Subscribe for free
1. Click the Agreement button below.
2. A copy of our service
agreement will be displayed in a new browser window.*
3. Print the agreement.
4. Complete and then fax or mail the completed document to our offices (please do not
include the cover letter or FCRA notices).
5. We will process your account request
and contact you within one business day. Your online access User ID &
password will be forwarded as well. Once you receive your login
information, you will be able to access our secure area. In that area, you
can submit screening requests, access critical documents needed to comply with
the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Release forms, consumer notices, etc.) and change
your access password.

Open this agreement. Print it. Complete and send (fax or mail)
to our offices.
P.O. Box 783214
Wichita, KS 67278
FAX: (316) 682-2255
Call our office during normal business ours for hands on
assistance: (316) 686-3000
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view & print our agreement. You
can get it for free here:
